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La professoressa Joanne Manaster dall'Università di Illinois-Urbana ringrazia Gravità Zero per l'articolo "Joanne ama la scienza, e la spiega con i dolci"

"Here I have added my introductory video which happened to be featured on BoingBoing! I extend my thanks as the video series was mentioned on an Italian blog, Gravita Zero where I was described as "the science teacher we all wish we had". Very kind words indeed, assuming Google Translator is correct! "

Visitate il suo sito web www.joannelovesscience.com

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E il bell'articolo su The News-Gazette dove spiega come avvicinare la scienza ai più giovani attraverso due concorsi di lettura Kids Read Summer Science Reading Contest e the Teens Read Summer Science Reading Contest.

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